Young Masters (Contemporary Art)
Learning the basics—color, line, shape, space, form, value & texture—inspired by famous artists opens up a child’s capacity to actualize their imaginations. Art opens us up to new worlds of possibilities. Learn about an artist every month, explore several of their works and do activities to apply their techniques. Each monthly unit also includes a book recommendation and element inspired by their work.

What's inside each monthly unit
Each month includes the Young Masters Collection Overview (how-to guide) and monthly literature-based artist focus with:
- Artist of the Month
- Artist Background
- Element of the Month
- Book of the Month
- Book Overview
- Journaling
- Famous Works
- Discussion Questions
- Artist-Inspired Projects
- Exploring the Element
- Extention Activities
- Materials list
- Also included: Recommended Products & Additional Books about the Artist to take curious students beyond the lessons & activities
List of artists we cover in Young Masters lessons:
- Frida Kahlo
- Marc Chagall
- Vincent Van Gogh
- Mary Cassatt
- Gustav Klimt
- Ruth Asawa
- Anselm Kiefer
- Titus Kaphar
- Jean-Michel Basquiat
- Christo and Jeanne Claude
- Andy Goldsworthy
- Lee Krasner
Three summer units to keep students learning over break by mixing it up with lighter lessons and extra play!
- Emma Saperstein
Purchase details:
- Digital downloads delivered via PDF
- Keep your digital downloads for life
- Singapore Math not included