Ancient History/Literature
An integrated, immersive study of history and literature is the cornerstone of a strong liberal arts education—that's why it's our main course! By studying a historical period alongside whole books written during that time, students find stronger connections between subjects and stories as learning comes to life. Weekly lessons and custom printable maps will help shape your student’s place in our world's story.

What's inside each monthly unit
Each month includes the History & Literature Collection Overview (how-to guide) and 4 weekly focuses connecting history and literature through:
- History Readings & Summary
- History Comprehension Questions
- Narration
- Literature Readings
- Literature Book Background & Summary
- Literature Discussion Questions
- Copywork & Illustration
- Enrichment Activities
- Timeline
- Monthly Recitation
- Materials list
- Printable Maps
- Also included: Recommended Products & Books to take curious students beyond the lessons & activities
List of regions we cover in our Ancient History lessons:
- Fertile Crescent
- Egypt and the Sahara Desert
- Kingdoms of Egypt
- Mesopotamia
- India
- China
- Africa
- Red Sea
- Phoenicia and Assyria
- Early Greece
- Cyrus’ Empire
- Alexander the Great’s Empire
- Americas
- The Punic Wars
- The Roman Empire at Its Greatest
- Ancient India/Mauryan Empire
- Modern Day China
- Caesar’s Roman Empire
- Rome Splits in Two
- The Byzantine Empire
Three summer units are designed to keep students learning over break by mixing it up with lighter lessons and extra play!
- Jennifer Perneel
Purchase details:
- Digital downloads delivered via PDF
- Keep your digital downloads for life
- Singapore Math not included