All Levels Under One Subscription
By subscribing, you get full access to all videos for as long as you are subscribed. Stream videos on your phone, tablet, laptop, and TV without paying more. One simple monthly fee gives you access the entire series of videos, a user's guide (Collection Overview) which includes a materials list and lesson overviews, and access to our internal online forum just for Wisdom Wonder Project curriculum users. With Wisdom Wonder Project, math is always fun!

Kindergarten is the perfect place to start setting up excellent habits and thought patterns about math! You may be surprised at the subtle intricacies that can be missed if the foundation isn’t set in younger grades.
What’s Inside:
- Collection Overview & Template PDFs
- Average 4 video lessons per week
- 140 total videos
- Average length: 7-15 minutes
- Amy Houser
Collection Materials:
Earlybird Kindergarten Math STD ED Textbook A & Textbook B
+ manipulatives & other household items

1st Grade/Level 1
Continue the natural developmental continuum with our first grade series. Level 1 prepares students for math topics that they will encounter in future years, touching on the subjects learned in the Kindergarten series while building in more advanced mathematical concepts such as multiplication and division.
What’s Inside:
- Collection Overview & Template PDFs
- Average 3 video lessons per week
- 112 total videos
- Average length: 10-12 minutes
- Amy Houser
Collection Materials:

2nd Grade/Level 2
Singapore Math learning continues with our Second Grade series, and with a new instructor. Level 2 Singapore math builds upon prior knowledge and skills, with students achieving mastery before moving on to integrate more advanced mathematical concepts such as fractions and geometry.
What’s Inside:
- Collection Overview & Template PDFs
- Average 3 video lessons per week
- 110 total videos
- Average length: 10-15 minutes
- Lisa Ann Dillon
Collection Materials:

3rd Grade/Level 3
Singapore Math learning continues with our Third Grade series with our amazing Mrs. Dillon from Second Grade! Level 3 Singapore math builds upon prior knowledge and skills, with students achieving mastery in addition, subtraction, multiplication and division before moving on to integrate more advanced concepts such as fractions and geometry.
What’s Inside:
- Collection Overview & Template PDFs
- Average 3 video lessons per week
- 25 videos with more being added every month to complete level
- Average length: 10-15 minutes
- Lisa Ann Dillon
Collection Materials:

4th Grade/Level 4
Singapore Math learning continues with our Fourth Grade series with our very own Mrs. Dillon. Level 4 Singapore math builds upon prior knowledge and skills, with students achieving mastery in operations, multiplication, division, fractions, and lays the foundation for fractions, decimals, and geometry.
What’s Inside:
- Collection Overview & Template PDFs
- Average 3 video lessons per week
- 25 videos with more being added every month to complete level
- Average length: 15-20 minutes
- Lisa Ann Dillon
Collection Materials:

5th Grade/Level 5
Singapore Math learning continues with our Fifth Grade series, and with a new instructor, Mrs. Wendy Rey. Level 5 Singapore math builds upon prior knowledge and skills, with students achieving mastery in fractions, decimals and geometry, before moving on to integrate more advanced mathematical concepts such as percentages and algebra.
What’s Inside:
- Collection Overview & Template PDFs
- Average 3 video lessons per week
- 25 videos with more being added every month to complete level
- Average length: 15-20 minutes
- Wendy Rey
Collection Materials:

6th Grade/Level 6
Singapore Math learning continues with our Sixth Grade series with our very own Mrs. Wendy Rey. Level 6 Singapore math builds upon prior knowledge and skills, with students achieving mastery in fractions, decimals, and geometry and begin algebraic equations, geometry, and statistics.
What’s Inside:
- Template PDFs
- Average 3 video lessons per week
- 25 videos with more being added every month to complete level
- Average length: 15-20 minutes
- Wendy Rey
Collection Materials: