Holiday Packets
Our Holiday Packets are designed with the whole family in mind, with something for each level (including adults!). These packets offer historical context for the holidays, links to related books, movies, poetry, activities, and more to support you and your family/classroom’s understanding of the holiday. Use this resource for supplemental lessons and as a way to celebrate and/or honor the holiday together.

Packet Details +
I say to you today, my friends, so even thought we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream. –Martin Luther King, Jr.
MLK is the only non-president to have a national holiday dedicated in his honor. Why? Learn as a family about this man & how we came to celebrate inside this Holiday Pack.
What’s Inside:
- Origin
- Biography
- Timeline
- Selection of Books (preschool-adult)
- Audio & Video Selections
- Links to Resources & Activities
- +more
- All ages
- 9 pages

Presidents' Day
Packet Details +
Presidents' Day
Washington’s Birthday is a federal holiday celebrated on the third Monday of February—honoring the life and work of America's first president. However, many states have chosen to celebrate Presidents’ Day instead, commemorating ALL of our past presidents. Learn more about America's leaders with this well-rounded resource for the whole family!
What’s Inside:
- Origin
- Timeline
- Poetry
- Recommended Books (preschool-adult)
- Recommended Movies & TV
- Links to Resources & Activities
- +more
- All ages
- 9 pages

St. Patrick's Day
Packet Details +
St. Patrick's Day
How do you celebrate St Patrick's Day? Leprechaun visits? Green ALL OVER? Corned beef & cabbage?
But what do these have to do with St. Patrick, anyway? Learn as a family how we came to celebrate inside this Holiday Pack!
What’s Inside:
- Origin
- Poetry
- Selection of Books (preschool-adult)
- Movie & Television Selections
- Links to Resources & Activities
- +more
- All ages
- 9 pages

Memorial Day
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Memorial Day
This American holiday serves as a time to remember and honor those who died in active military service to their country. The mission of Memorial Day is “to reach out in support of all the soldiers and their families who have sacrificed so much for us”. This holiday packet will equip students with the history and value of Memorial Day, as well as recommended resources for extended learning.
What’s Inside:
- Origin
- Timeline
- Poetry
- Why We Observe Memorial Day
- Recommended Books
- Recommended Movies & TV
- +more
- All ages
- 8 pages

Flag Day
Packet Details +
Flag Day
“We take the stars from heaven, the red from our mother country, separating it by white stripes, thus showing that we have separated from her, and the white stripes shall go down to posterity, representing our liberty.“ —George Washington, attributed
The United States of America celebrates its birthday annually on the fourth of July. Although not as well known or widely celebrated, Flag Day specifically honors the American Flag. Find out more about this holiday and its origins with fun resources and activities for the whole family.
What’s Inside:
- What is Flag Day?
- Songs & Poetry
- Flag Etiquette
- Fun Facts
- Meaning of the United States Flag design
- Recommended Books
- Recommended Movies & TV
- Additional Resources & Activities
- all ages
- 9 pages

Packet Details +
This pack of holiday history & resources is a three for one—covering the origin and history of Halloween, All Saints Day, and El Dia De Los Muertos. Enjoy a selection of poetry, books, and shows that will help your family explore the history and traditions of these popular holidays.
What’s Inside:
- Halloween Origin & History (pre-Christian & Christian)
- Songs
- Selection of Read Aloud Poetry
- El Dia De Los Muertos Origin & Terms
- Selection of Books (preschool-adult)
- Movie & Television Selections
- +morea
- All ages
- 10 pages

Veterans Day
Packet Details +
Veterans Day
President Wilson proclaimed November 11 as the commemoration of Armistice Day in 1919. Armistice Day became a federal holiday in 1938. In 1954 – after the bloodbath of World War II, followed up with the Korean War - Armistice Day became Veterans Day, to honor all veterans for their military service in wartime or peacetime. Our Veteran's Day holiday pack is full of recommended supplemental reading and resources for the entire family.
What’s Inside:
- Origin
- Poetry
- Recommended Books
- Recommended Movies & TV
- Additional Resources & Activities
- +more
- All ages
- 5 pages

Packet Details +
Did you know that there are actually 12 claims as to where the first Thanksgiving actually took place, only one of those being with the Plymouth Pilgrims? There is SO much to learn about one of America's favorite holidays, Thanksgiving, and we're pretty sure we covered it all.
What’s Inside:
- Did You Know?
- Origin
- Recommended Books
- Recommended Audio & Video
- Additional Resources & Activities
- +more
- All ages
- 7 pages