In addition to reviewing the concepts learned in Unit 4, we recommend that you complete the following textbook page: Mental Math 5
Unit 4, Review on your own
August 28, 2020
It is rarely by leaps and bounds that we will accomplish much, but more often in the everyday, moment after moment. Inspired by the old Spanish Proverb, this blog is a space to encourage your journey in parenting, teaching, and making the most of your child(ren)'s education. Find resources, inspiration, and support here to stay present and engaged.
August 28, 2020
In addition to reviewing the concepts learned in Unit 4, we recommend that you complete the following textbook page: Mental Math 5
August 28, 2020
Games are an integral part of learning. Play allows the brain to more quickly acquire knowledge and solidify concepts. There are games listed throughout the Home Instructor’s Guide and on the Games Template. When the lesson for the day includes games, take the time to … Read More
August 28, 2020
Along with rewatching this video, we recommend working through the following textbook pages for practice: HIG A p. 32-33 Workbook A p. 40-41
August 28, 2020
Review the concepts learned in Unit 3 so far. In addition, we recommend that you also complete the following textbook page: Mental Math 1
August 28, 2020
Rewatch the video with your student. After rewatching the video, we recommend that you complete the following workbook pages for practice: HIG A p. 24-26 Workbook A p. 33-35
August 28, 2020
Play games and review this unit’s concepts on your own. Reminder about the importance of playing math games: Games are an integral part of learning. Play allows the brain to more quickly acquire knowledge and solidify concepts. There are games listed throughout the Home … Read More
August 28, 2020
Rewatch the video with your student and then we recommend that you complete the following workbook pages for practice: HIG A p. 22-23 Workbook A p. 28-30
August 28, 2020
Games are an integral part of learning. Play allows the brain to more quickly acquire knowledge and solidify concepts. There are games listed throughout the Home Instructor’s Guide and on the Games Template. When the lesson for the day includes games, take the time to … Read More
August 28, 2020
You can use subitizing dot cards and number cards to focus on numbers 0-9.For this lesson, we recommend completing the following Primary Standards textbook page: HIG A p. 5
August 28, 2020
For additional practice, gather some more items and have your student use position words to describe where you should place each object. (Put the pencil below the paper.) Along with this video, we recommend working through the following textbook pages: HIG A p. 52-53 … Read More
August 28, 2020
If your student is still having trouble grasping the concept of number bonds, especially making 10, you can pause and re-teach here before moving on to the next unit. Regular review from here on out is crucial to keeping the number bonds fresh in your … Read More
August 28, 2020
An easy way to incorporate many skills into your warm-up is to use the calendar and let the date be your guide! If the date is the 8th, your student will show a number bond that makes 8, show 8 in tally marks (remember to … Read More
August 28, 2020
Along with this video, we recommend working through the following textbook pages: HIG A p. 47-48 Textbook A p. 53 Workbook A p. 59 Mental Math 9
August 28, 2020
Along with this video, we recommend working through the following textbook pages: HIG A p. 45-46 Textbook A p. 51-52 Workbook A p. 57-58 Mental Math 8
August 28, 2020
As Mental Math increases in difficulty, remember to keep counters, a number line, or other manipulatives available at all times until your student says they don’t need them anymore. Along with this video, we recommend working through the following textbook pages: HIG A p. … Read More